
How To Download And Install Windows 7 64 Bit

Installing Windows 7 32-bit from a 64-bit Organization

Strangely plenty, it'south possible to install a 32-scrap Windows seven from a 64-fleck desktop, only not possible the other way around. This is because the Windows setup installer for 32-scrap will work on both 32-fleck and 64-fleck systems whereas the setup executable for Windows 7 64-bit will just piece of work from a 64-chip install. Yous can use this or the 2d method below for 64-bit > 32-bit, this method requires more than initial disc space but is slightly easier and quicker.

1. Insert the Windows 7 install disc and if Autoplay doesn't offer yous the hazard to, open up the disc in Explorer and run the Setup.exe file.

2. Click "Install Now" and expect a few seconds while the setup process copies some files. The next screen offers the choice to go online and bank check for installation updates. It is recommended you do this and for u.s. it downloaded 1089K.

get online installation updates

three. If you have an install disc with multiple distros bachelor, select the version of Windows to reinstall, recollect to select the aforementioned edition which you are replacing. At the side by side screen have the license terms.

install correct windows edition

4. The next screen offers the chance to Upgrade Windows or perform a Custom install. As you cannot upgrade Windows with the same version, choose Custom.

v. You volition now exist asked where you want to install Windows, drive C: should already be selected, but if information technology isn't, choose C:, then click Adjacent. A window will show with the text:

The partition you selected might contain files from a previous Windows installation. If it does, these files and folders will be moved to a folder named Windows.old. You will be able to access the information in, but you will non be able to use your previous version of Windows.

Instead of erasing your current Windows, this method will continue the sometime Windows install until y'all choose to delete it. If you don't have enough gratuitous disc space (nigh 15GB), method 2 will demand to exist used. Click OK to continue.

keep old Windows 7 on the drive

6. Later on a couple of reboots, the language/time zone screen and the figurer/user name screen, you lot'll eventually exist asked to enter the product key. Leave the product primal box empty and uncheck the selection to auto activate when your computer is online. Click Adjacent and continue the install choosing the options you require, you'll finally reach the desktop.

windows 7 product key screen

In the root of C, you will notice the Windows.old folder which can be deleted at any point y'all cull from now on. As well, Windows leaves the "Program Files (x86)" binder in place, this can be deleted as well. It's a skilful thought to run a defrag on a hard drive after deleting these folders considering there volition be a large gap of empty space on the fastest office of the drive where Windows.old once was.

Installing Windows 7 64-bit from a 32-bit System

Equally mentioned before, Windows 7 64-scrap cannot be installed from inside Windows 7 32-flake so information technology has to exist done the standard way by booting from the DVD/USB. This way will give you the choice to format the difficult drive and perform a clean install.

ane. Boot your computer using the DVD or USB wink drive containing Windows vii 64-bit and when asked, press any key to boot to the disc. Yous may need to cheque your BIOS settings are correct to kicking straight to DVD or USB.

2. Select the timezone, keyboard and language and then click "Install Now". As in the previous method, if you take an install disc with the ei.cfg file removed, the selection volition be available to install any of the Windows editions. Make sure to chose the same as you're replacing.

install windows 64-bit edition

iii. Accept the terms of the license and at the next screen click on Custom as Upgrade won't install the aforementioned operating system, fifty-fifty though information technology's a different architecture.

3. And then yous have the option of formatting the the hard bulldoze earlier installation or leaving the erstwhile Windows intact and placed in a Windows.old folder. The selection is yours and if y'all want to format, click on Drive Options (advanced) for the selected bulldoze to create, delete and format partitions.

install Windows and format drive

4. As in step #6 above, yous will eventually attain the screen to enter the Windows production fundamental. Don't enter a key and untick the activate when online box, then go along the install until you lot reach the desktop.

Restoring Your Windows Activation

Once Windows seven has been installed it won't be activated and you will be given 30 days to do it, and then it makes sense to sort this out earlier going whatsoever further.

Restore From ABR

i. Making sure you have the ABR folder bachelor from a flash bulldoze or another partition, run activation_restore.exe. Information technology will then automatically restore the product key and license information.

restore abr activation

Restore From Advanced Tokens Managing director

Advanced Tokens Manager is immediately disadvantaged because it requires .NET Framework 4 or above to function which isn't installed on a make clean Windows 7. Either utilize Windows update to get it or download and install .Net 4.five directly using the setup installer version.

one. Become to the Avant-garde Tokens Manager binder yous backed upwards earlier and run Avant-garde Tokens Manager.exe, annotation in the tokens box information technology should say "backup found".

ii. Click Activation Restore and accept the find that it could take up to 5 minutes, and so you lot should finally get the success message.

restore activation with advanced tokens manager

Press Win key+Pause/Break key to launch the System window if it hasn't already shown. Scroll down and you should see "Windows is activated" with an OEM product ID.

Windows 7 is activated

Brand certain to run both ABR and Advanced Tokens Manager every bit Administrator to avoid possible complications. At present Windows has been activated, you can kickoff the long process of restoring personal data with Windows Easy Transfer and installing updates, offline Windows updating is another choice to consider if you install Windows often.


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